麥景行醫生是澳大利亞皮膚科學院的院士,她是澳大利亞和英國的皮膚專科註冊醫生。她分別在倫敦和墨爾本多間知名的教學醫院工作, 累積了豐富的皮膚專科診症經驗。麥景行醫生提供皮膚專科診症, 激光, 醫美, 皮膚兒科和皮膚外科手術的專科服務。 麥景行醫生精通英語和粵語。
Urgent Appointments within 48 hours are available upon request by calling us on:
To arrange your urgent appointment, you first need to call us to discuss details about your condition and to schedule your appointment.
Please call us on 03 8535 4798 or complete and submit this form:
請致電 03 8535 4798 或填寫並提交此表格: