Online / Telehealth

Online/TeleHealth Dermatology Consultations

Our highly experienced dermatologist provides expert diagnosis and comprehensive management plan from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in Australia.

What is Online/Telehealth dermatology consultation?

Online/Telehealth dermatology consultation is an online video consultation with a specialist dermatologist. Your dermatologist will discuss and then examine your problem via online video consultation +/- photographs of your skin condition sent by email. If you have photographs of your skin condition you are welcome to email these to us.

Online/Telehealth consultation works well for a number of skin conditions including acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria (hives) and certain rashes. Online/Telehealth consultations would also work well for existing patients of our practice requiring follow up appointments.

Skin checks cannot be performed via Telehealth, however we can conduct an initial assessment and advise on whether your problem is more urgent requiring a face to face consultation.

How is Online/Telehealth consultation conducted?

We are fully equipped and can conduct Online/Telehealth consultation by Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype or a simple phone call. Our reception team will find out your preference at the time of booking.

How do I arrange an appointment?

Please contact our reception team on (03) 8535 4798 to organise a time convenient for you.

After hours and weekend online consultations are available on request.

Do I need a referral for Online/Telehealth consultation?

We are happy to see all patients with or without referrals (including overseas visitors without Medicare), anywhere in Australia.

However, to be eligible for Medicare rebate, we recommend that you obtain a referral letter from your general practitioner. If you do not have a current referral letter, you may contact your general practitioner. Most GP practices now offer Telehealth video/phone consultations and can provide referral letters after Telehealth consultations, and you can send your referral letters to us electronically. Our reception team will discuss and advise on fees at the time of booking.